Human Resources Department

Contact Information
Mailing Address
PO Box 348, Acoma, NM 87034
Physical Address
41 Pinsbaari Drive, Acoma, NM 87034
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Human Resources Staff
Delyliah Felipe, Director
Brenda Mariano, Benefits Administrator
Lexie Louis, Human Resources Technician
Shanelle Benton, Human Resources Clerk
Human Resources Department
To submit an application:
1. Download a paper application by clicking on this link Job Application Form.
2. Print the application.
3. Fill out the application completely and legibly. Incomplete or illegible applications will not be processed.
4. Access an electronic fill-in application by clicking this link Electronic Job Application.
5. Before you start filling out the application, save the application to your computer or zip drive. Complete the application and print it.
6. Mail or fax the application with a copy of your current driver’s license using the information to the left or drop it by our office. (If you fax your application, please follow-up with a phone call to make sure we have received your application.)
You can also e-mail your application to any of the Human Resources staff listed on the left.
NOTE: Your application will not be considered complete unless we have a copy of your driver’s license with your application. Please remember to call our office to confirm that your application was received.