Pueblo of Acoma Law And Order Code

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  4. Pueblo of Acoma Law And Order Code

Contact Information



Mailing Address
PO Box, Acoma, NM 87034

Physical Address
74B Pinsbaari Drive, Acoma, NM 87034

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Tribal Court Staff

Vincent Knight, Chief Judge

Christy Chino, Court Administrator

Sabrina Mariano, Secretary

Alyssa Riley, Legal Assistant

Leila Chavez, Criminal Court Clerk

Felisha Patricio, Civil Court Clerk

Leticia Pino, Traffic Court Clerk

Valerie Tortalita, Wellness Court Coordinator

Jaynie Lewis-Garcia, Victims of Crime Advocate

Vacant, Court Clerk

Kyle Nayback, Prosecutor

Chris Abeita, Public Defender

Patrick Ortiz, Probation Officer

Tiffany Lorenzo, Probation Officer

Pueblo of Acoma Law and Order Code

Title 1 - Preliminary Matters

Establishment and Interpretation of the Pueblo of Acoma Laws


1. Foundations
2. Jurisdiction of the Pueblo of Acoma
3. Powers of the Tribal Officers
4. Acoma Pueblo Tribal Council
5. Grant of Judicial Power to Tribal Court
6. Sovereign Immunity
7. Census Committee
8. Tribal Records Office
9. Office of Realty and Natural Resources
10. Acoma Business Board
11. Acoma Employee’s Association
12. Exclusion
13. Acoma Health Board

Title 01-Preliminary Matters.2019 Edition

Title 2 - General Civil Matters


1. Applicable Law
2. Tort Claims
3. Mortgage Code
4. Repossession Code
5. Pueblo of Acoma Prevailing Wage Law
6. Application Fee for Land Use of Pueblo Lands
7. Civil Trespass Law
8. Tribal Employment Right Ordinance
9. Eminent Domain Code

Title 02-Civil Matters.2019 Edition

Title 3 -Rule of the Pueblo of Acoma Judiciary


1. Court Location
2. Court Proceedings
3. Persons Permitted to Practice Before Court
4. Special Court Orders
5. Pre-Trial Matters

Title 03-Judiciary.2019 Edition

Title 4 - Children and Family Law


1. Purpose of Title
2. Children and Family Act
3. Family Services Act
3A. Family in Need of Court Ordered Services
4. Child Maltreatment
5. Delinquency
6. Protection of People at Risk
7. Domestic Relations and Probate
8. Customary Adoption Including Suspension of Parent Rights
9. Child Support
10. Child Custody
11. Extended Family Guardianship
12. Procedures for Implementing the Indian Child Welfare Act

Title 04-Children and Family.2019 Edition

Title 5 - Rules of Criminal Procedure


1. General Matters
2. Procedural Rights of Criminal Defendants
3. Rules Applicable to Determining Guilt or Innocence
4. Sentencing Rules
5. Other Proceedings

Title 05-Criminal Procedure.2019 Edition

Title 6 - Criminal Laws


1. Introduction to this Title
2. Preparatory Offenses
3. Assault, Battery and Related Crimes
3A. Homicide
3B. Domestic and Family Violence Crimes

Sexual Offenses


Crimes Against Children


Protection of Elders, and Incapacitated Adults


Criminal Trespass and Burglary


Criminal Damage to Property








Forgery and Related Offenses


Credit Card Fraud


Controlled Substances


Business and Commercial Frauds


Organized Crime and Fraud


Interference with Governmental Operations


Escape and Related Offenses




Perjury and Related Offenses


Interference with Judicial and Other Proceedings


Offenses Against Public Order


Offenses Relating to the General Welfare


Compulsory School Attendance


Drug Paraphernalia Act


Worthless Check Act

Title 06-Criminal Code.2019 Edition

Title 7 - Game and Wildlife


1. General Matters
2. Fishing/Hunting Licenses
3. Hunting Seasons; the Taking of Game Animals
4. Weapons and Hunting Aids
5. Enforcement
6. Limits on Use of Property
7. General Fishing Regulations
8. Small Game Limits
9. Game Bird Limits
10. Big Game Limits
11. Furbearing or Predatory Animals
12. Snares, Traps, Baiting
13. Exotic Animals
14. Falcons, Raptors
15. Civil Remedies
16. Miscellaneous:  Wood

Title 07-Wildlife.2019 Edition

Title 8 - Animal Control Code

An ordinance regulating the vaccination, impoundment, registration, and disposal of unvaccinated, unregistered, unclaimed, diseased, at large, stray or wild animals on lands within the exterior boundaries of the Pueblo of Acoma to preserve public health, safety, and welfare by prevention of nuisances, hazards, and injuries resulting from or caused by such animals.


1. Purpose and Definitions
2. Reserved
3. General Responsibilities and Restrictions
4. Owner’s Liability
5. Humane Officer-Duties and Responsibilities
6. Vaccination and Registration of Dogs and Cats
7. Official Impoundment and Destruction of Violating Animals
8. Claiming Impounded Animals
9. Control of Rabies Infected Animal
10. Emergency Destruction of Animals
11. Private Impoundment of Trespassing Animals
12. Special Licensing Provisions
13. Classification and Punishment


Title 08-Animal Control.2019 Edition

Title 9 - Livestock and Grazing Code

The laws set forth within the Livestock and Grazing Code are prescribed to: a) Govern the branding, theft, disease, at large estray, inspection, transportation and related aspects of domestic livestock within the exterior boundaries of the Pueblo of Acoma, b) preserve tribal resources, promote proper use of Acoma range lands and afford equal utilization rights of all lands within the exterior boundaries of teh Pueblo of Acoma, c) preserving the public health welfare and land of the Pueblo of Acoma people and their livestock, d) prescribe punishment for violations of any section of the legislation, e) full the objectives set forth in 25 CFR, Section 166.


1. Purpose
2. Definitions
3. Establishment of Livestock & Grazing Board
4. Authority
5. Disease Control
6. Range Trespass
7. Open Range
8. Restricted Land Usage for Livestock
9. Branding, Identifying Markes and Registering of Livestock
10. Illegal Contact with Livestock
11. Inspection Requirements
12. Owner’s Liability
13. Private Impoundment of Trespassing Animals
14. Classification/Punishment

Title 09-Livestock and Grazing Code.2019 Edition

Title 10 - Civil Traffic Code


1. Definitions
2. Traffic Administration
3. Application of Traffic Regulations
4. Accident and Accident Reports
5. Signs, Signals, and Markings
6. Traffic Regulations
7. Special Rules for Motorcycles, Off-Highway Vehicles and Mopeds
8. Operation of Bicycles
9. Parking Regulations
10. Vehicle Regulations
11. Traffic Violations Bureau
12. Civil Penalty Assessment Program
13. Effect and Short Title

Title 10-Civil Traffic Code.2019 Edition

Title 10A - Criminal Traffic Code



1. Definitions
2. Crimes and Penalties
3. Penalties and Procedure on Arrest
4. Bail
5. Fees and Costs
6. Records


Title 10A-Criminal Traffic Code.2019 Edition

Title 11 - Gaming

This ordinance may be cited as the Gaming Ordinance of the Pueblo of Acoma.


1. Acoma Gaming Ordinance
2. Indian Gaming Compact
3. Reserved for Future Use

Title 11-Gaming.2019 Edition

Title 12 - Acoma Advertising, Billboard, and Sign Law


1. Definitions
2. Autority
3. Classification of Signs
4. Criminal Violation and Punishment

Title 12-Acoma Advertising, Billboard, and Sign Law.2019 Edition

Title 13 - Cultural Resources

Since our time of emergence from Ship’apu, our Mother Iatiku gifted us, as Aak’um’e Hanu, with Aak’um’e Dzeeni (Acoma Language) along with core values of family, culture and tradition.  Our existence, and those of future generations, depends on the continuation of our Acoma Language.


1. Pueblo of Acoma Language Policy
2. Sky City School Board
3. Tribal Historical Preservation Officer

Title 13-Cultural Resources.2019 Edition

Title 14 - Taxation


1. Administration and Enforcement
2. Business Property Tax
3. Gasoline Tax
4. Lodging Tax
5. Acoma Gross Receits Tax
6. Wildlife Habitat Improvement Fee
7. Acoma Cigarette Tax Act
8. Business License and Vendor Permit

Title 14-Taxation.2019 Edition

Title 15 - Natural Resources


1. Acoma Water Commission
2. Pueblo of Acoma Water Office
3. Water Quality Standards

Title 15-Natural Resources.2019 Edition

Title 16 - The Pueblo of Acoma Housing Authority


1. Establishment and Purpose
2. Definitions
3. The Board of Commissioners
4. Powers of Authority
5. Obligations
6. Miscellaneous Other Matters
7. Cooperation in Connection with Projects
8. Pueblo of Acoma Prevailing Wage Law

Title 16-Housing.2019 Edition

Title 17 - Uniform Construction Code


1. Adoption of Construction Codes
2. Enforcement and Administration Amendments

Title 17-Uniform Construction Code.2019 Edition

Title 18 - Sex Offender Registration and Notification Law


1. General Matters
2. Terminology and Covered Offenses
3. Tiered Offenses
4. Required Registration Information
5. Registration
6. Public Sex Offender Registry Website
7. Immunity
8. Crimes and Civil Sanctions

Title 18-SORNA.2019 Edition

Title 19 - Alcoholic Beverage Sales Law


1. Introduction
2. Definitions
3. General
4. Sales Allowed
5. Licenses and Permits
6. Licensed Establishments
7. License and Server Permit Approvals and Denials
8. Prohibited Sales and Practices
9. Enforcement
10. Rules and Regulations; Administraion
11. Liability Insurance
12. Wholesaler Licensing
13. Amendment
14. Severability
15. Sovereign Immunity

Title 19-Alcoholic Beverage Sales Law.2019 Edition

Title 20 - Utility Authority


1. General Provisions
2. Definition of Terms
3. Utility Authority Board
4. Utility Autority – Operation
5. Customer Obligations
6. Fee Schedules and Billing
7. Discontinuance and Restoration of Services
8. Enforcement; Fees; Sanctions
9. Miscellaneous Provisions

Title 20-Utility Authority.2019 Edition

Title 21 - Education


1. Title
2. Acoma Board of Education; Applicability of Act
3. Purpose
4. Definitions
5. Acoma Board of Education and Acoma Department of Education
6. Acoma Department of Education Executive Director
7. School Boards
8. Curriculum and Education Standards
9. Education Policies and Procedures
10. Truancy/Attendance
11. Parental and Community Involvement
12. Educators
13. Chartered Educations Programs and Chartered Schools
14. Miscellaneous

Title 21-Education.2019 Edition