Pueblo of Acoma Community Endeavors

The Pueblo of Acoma Tribal Administration established the Governor’s Golf Classic Charity, a non-profit, charitable event of the Pueblo of Acoma under IRS Code 7871, in 1999 as a means to support Acoma students’ academic and athletic endeavors.
In an effort to expand and continue on the ideas and goals of past and current Tribal Administrators, The Pueblo of Acoma Community Endeavors (PACE) was established and recognized by Council on June 26, 2015. PACE will also be established as a non-profit organization under IRS Code 501c3.
The main purpose of PACE is to improve the welfare and awareness of the Acoma Community through:
1) Fundraising activities that will provide scholarships/awards which will assist or supplement students/organizations of the Acoma membership in their academic and athletic endeavors.
2) Participation in activities that promote good welfare and awareness through exercise, education, and daily living for the benefit of the Acoma membership.
No part of the income or assets of the organization shall be used to benefit any private individuals, employees, or members.
Click links below for more information.
Board Members
The Pueblo of Acoma Community Endeavors Board is comprised of POA Employees, an Administrator, a Council member, and community members that all volunteer their time to make the organization a success. There is no limit on number of board members.
If you are interested in becoming a board member feel free to email us at: pace@poamail.org.
Name | Position |
Tony Chino II | Chairman |
Vacant | Vice-Chairman |
Vacant | Secretary |
Francine Torivio | Treasurer |
Craig T. Garcia | Member (Council) |
Ardell Concho | Member (Administration) |
Jonathan Sims | Member (Community) |
Brian Torivio | Member (Community) |
Hillary Louis | Member (Community) |
Lexie Louis | Member (Community) |
Marveline Vallo Gabbard | Member (Community) |